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Kani Kundalini - A Creator 

“The Hamsa Hand is an ancient Middle Eas

I'm Kani Kundalini, a 19-year-old creator that loves using her passion of creating into her everyday life. 


It all began in my early childhood when I would create stories and songs whenever I was alone in my room and needed comfort. At school, it was a habit for me to draw doodles on my worksheets and notes transforming an ordinary paper into my own imaginative world. 


As I grew older, my expression with creativity grew into creating music, and later on expanded into paintings and graphic designs. I began to notice that whenever I create, my mind which tends to overthink instantly feels peaceful and clear.


Nowadays, I am sharing my art with the world to show others that they have what it takes to be creative too. What I love about art, is it has no rules. All that's needed is to be yourself :)

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